What have we learned about direct cash and it’s relationships with pre and post natal outcomes for moms and babies?
We’re glad you asked.
Program Findings
Preliminary Research Findings: The Bridge Project (2024)
Unconditional Cash and Breastfeeding, Child Care, and Maternal Employment among Families with Young Children Residing in Poverty: Baby’s First Years (2024)
Mental health and sleep quality of low-income mothers of one-year-olds during the COVID-19 pandemic: Baby’s First Years (2024)
Estimating the Effect of a Universal Cash Transfer on Birth Outcomes (2022)
Seizing the Opportunity of Cash to Pursue Higher Education: The Bridge Project (2024)
Monthly unconditional income supplements starting at birth: Experiences among mothers of young children with low incomes in the U.S: Baby’s First Years (2024)
Effects of a monthly unconditional cash transfer starting at birth on family investments among US families with low income: Baby’s First Years (2024)
The impact of poverty reduction intervention on infant brain activity: Baby’s First Years (2024)
Associations between maternal stress and infant resting brain activity among families residing in poverty in the U.S: Baby’s First Years (2023)
Cash transfers: what does the evidence say?: ODI (2016)